Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Seeking sight through research

After waiting 16 months to hear, Creed has been accepted into a research study. He has passed a number of tests at the University of Iowa, where the research study will take place. for final acceptance he must make it through six different mazes. Three with the left eye covered, three with the right eye covered. He also has to pass a field of vision test. We invite you of course to FIRST OFF, sign up for the race and then enjoy an article about Gordon Creed Pettit and his journey to see. CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP for Creed's Cause Race — — CLICK HERE TO READ THE ARTICLE

Please REGISTER for Creed's Cause 5k Race by CLICKING HERE

Let's make this another successful year to raise research funds

to find a cure for Leber's Congenital Amaurosis, 

which causes blindness in children